Law of Process is about the methodology of learning leadership.
You cant become a great leader overnight, it is a long and continuous process of learning, further improving yourself.
there are 4 phases for the growth of leadership
Stage 1 : I dont know what i dont know
At this stage, many people don't understand the value of leadership. They assumed that only a few people can be leaders. But as the law of influence stated, leadership is about influence, when one recognise that leadership is merely influence, they will begin to be interested in it. If people dont what they dont know, they won't grow and assume their leading position.
Stage 2 : I know what i don't know
The next step for a leader to grow is to understand what they have to learn in order to lead. it is vital for a leader to know what they don't know as this will kickstart the process of learning to lead. "To be conscious that you're ignorant of facts is a great step towards knowledge"
Stage 3 : I Grow and Know and it starts to Show
After recognising what you are lacking and you begin practice leadership and personal growth on a daily basis, you will start to see results.
Stage 4 : I just go simply with what i know
Back at stage 3 your leadership is effective as you have equiped yourself with what you have lacked , however it takes time for you to think to excute actions. When arriving at stage 4, decisions like that would become automatic for you as you have already incorporated it into your thinking and leading system, thanks to continuous process of personal and leadership growh.